America’s image globally rebounds with transition from Trump to Biden: Report.

America's image rebounds globally with transition from Trump to Biden: Report.

According to a new Pew Research Survey, the world’s view of America has change drastically since President Joe Biden was elected to office.

Of the 12 nations surveyed ( France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, UK, Spain, South Korea, Australia and Greece) both this year and in 2020, a median of 75% express confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump last year.

Biden’s high ratings are tied in part to positive assessments of his personal characteristics compared to Donald Trump, according to Pew.

A median of 77% of the 12 countries surveyed describe Biden as well-qualified to be president, compared with 16% who felt this way about Trump. Few think of Biden as arrogant or dangerous, while large majorities applied those terms to Trump. Assessments of the two leaders are more similar when it comes to being a strong leader, although even on this measure, Biden gets much more positive reviews than Trump.

Screenshot from Pew Research

Also, the country’s favorability rating is up significantly from 34% at the end of Trump’s presidency to 62% under President Biden presidency do far.

However, the poll finds that abroad, there are still concerns about American democracy. A median of 57% say democracy in the U.S. used to be a good example but has not been in recent years. 17% say democracy in the U.S. is a good example for others to follow while 23% do not believe it has ever been a good example.

50% say the U.S. political system is working well.

The poll comes as President Biden takes his first trip abroad to renew the US’ commitment to its allies and partners and underscore his own commitment to working with other countries to solve global problems.