Arizona state Republican lawmaker who supported audit now says, “It makes us look like idiots.”

Arizona state Republican lawmaker who supported audit now admits:“It makes us look like idiots."

At least one Republican state senator from Arizona who supported the audit of the 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County in the November presidential election is now saying he’s embarrassed to have done so.

“It makes us look like idiots,” State Sen. Peter Boyer told the New York Times. “Looking back, I didn’t think it would be this ridiculous. It’s embarrassing to be a state senator at this point.”

Republicans in Arizona have said that the audit would help them write new election laws and restore trust in the state’s democratic process after Trump lost the state by 10,000 votes last year in the presidential election.  

But, critics slam the audit saying it has the opposite effect, it is destroying voter confidence in elections.

Since the Donald Trump backed audit started three weeks ago, it has been dogged by controversies. Cyber Ninjas, the company hired by the state’s Republican Party to lead the audit has no experience with elections, and it seems the company was given the contract because its founder has a history of spreading pro-Trump conspiracy theories about the election.

Also, Anthony Kern a former state representative who was in Washington D.C. on Jan.6 to rally supporters of Trump, and was spotted on the steps of the Capitol as the MAGA mob ransacked the building is participating in the process of reviewing ballots. Kern also ran for re-election and lost his seat in the 2020 election, and he was slated to be a member of the Electoral College if Trump had won the state.

And now, things have devolved into a circus. A subcontractor revealed in court documents that the process involves weighing ballots, examining them under a microscope, and examining the “thickness or feel” of individual ballots.They are also searching for traces of bamboo on the ballots that they claim may suggest the ballots were flown in from China. One stage of the process involves shining a “UV-B and UV-A source” on allegedly suspect ballots.

It’s not clear what exposing the ballots to UV light is supposed to accomplish — a coalition of election experts wrote the Justice Department asking it to send observers to monitor this quizzical audit, and one of their concerns is that “ultraviolet light causes not only paper to deteriorate, but also leads to the deterioration of marks on paper ballots,” according to Vox.

The audit shows no sign of stopping soon. Last week officials say they hoped to wrap things up by May 14. According to the Times, about 250,000 of the 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County in the election have been processed by hand recount, which is the central part of the review. That means the hand recount could last well into August amid delays, including clearing out the space for high school graduations.

6 thoughts on “Arizona state Republican lawmaker who supported audit now says, “It makes us look like idiots.””

  1. any one that thinks this “recount” is anything except a scam run by people just stealing money from the gop is a fool and if these people are really believing that they are going to find something then they are very crazy and need to kept away from the public.

  2. It’s absurd. This crew is not legitimate and it’s plain that Maricopa is filled with mentally damaged “dear-leader” racists uninterested in actual truth.

  3. AGREE! Of course those same people should not be allowed to reproduce at all. They suffer from delusions or have very poor tastes on who they should trust. They are incapable of being good people.

  4. Actually, I think the “audit” is a scam run by people who are actively WORKING to insert false ballots, remove legitimate ballots, and/or change marks on ballots so that they can later CLAIM to have “found” evidence of cheating because their “final numbers” won’t match those of prior counts. The UV light scans and all the other ridiculous tests are merely sleight-of-hand meant to distract everyone from what is REALLY going on during this extremely protracted re-counting. In the end, I have no doubt they’ll announce “results” that “prove” Trump won and nobody will ever again be able to show that he didn’t because they will have altered the evidence itself! Hell, as long as they’re taking to recount the ballots (4 months? 5 months?), they’d only need to manage to change/replace about 150 or so per day to shift the results.

  5. Is it possible that this Maricopa county recount is the ballot fraud in action? Perhaps the ballots are being vandalized as we speak by tRump opporatives posing as concerned citizens and vote monitors!

  6. It doesn’t matter what they ” find”. We will just vote again and DOTARD will loose again. What a bunch of French fried idiots.

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