While the rest of the world laughed at the multiple art pieces mocking Trump over the last four years, in California, artist Tommy Zegan saw a challenge– to create a piece so outrageous, dedicated to the man who was a global laughingstock for the last five years.
Zegan told CNN that he created the golden statue of Trump, currently on display at CPAC, in response to the many art pieces mocking Trump during his presidency.
“Two years ago, when I saw all those statues of naked Trump and Trump on a toilet, I said, ‘You know what? I can do better.'”
His better: A more than 6ft tall golden statue of Trump in a suit jacket complete with a red tie, stars-and-stripes shorts, flip flops—-and wearing a thong.
Zegan explains that the ensemble is meant to be symbolic. “The coat and tie is the fact that he’s a professional, he’s a businessman. The red tie symbolizes he’s a Republican. The red white and blue is that he’s a patriot. The fact that he’s wearing thongs and shorts is that he’s at the age where he should be retired. He should be at the beach right now.”
But wait, there’s more.
The piece on display is a fiberglass mold of the real, stainless steel sculpture currently stored in a warehouse in Tampa that Zegan hopes to one day get it into the Trump presidential library.
“It is museum-quality, and that’s the one I’m eventually hoping to get in the Trump library,” he told CNN. “It is literally priceless.”
The statue was mocked online as some saw it as a violation of the commandments and once again shows the right’s unhealthy obsession and subservience to one man.