Austria started a lockdown for only unvaccinated people age 12 and older on Monday.
Austria has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the European Union where only 65% of the country’s population of 9 million are fully vaccinated, and COVID is surging again.
COVID-19 infections in Austria are at the highest point since the pandemic began. The country is now reporting 10,823Â new infections each day, according to Reuters.
Under these new guidelines the unvaccinated are only allowed to leave their homes for a limited number of reasons like travelling to work or shopping for essentials, Reuters reports. The rules will be policed by officers carrying out spot checks on those who are out.
Unvaccinated people in Austria were already not able to visit entertainment venues, restaurants, shops and theaters.
“My aim is very clear: to get the unvaccinated to get vaccinated, not to lock up the unvaccinated,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told ORF radio on Sunday.
Police will check the vaccination status of all members of the public they interact with. If anyone violates the lockdown for the unvaccinated or refuse to participate in the checks they could face a fine.