Billionaire Michael Bloomberg to spend $100 million to help Biden win Florida.

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg to spend $100 million to help Biden win Florida.

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is planning to spend atleast $100 milion to help Joe Biden win Florida.

“Mike Bloomberg is committed to helping defeat Trump, and that is going to happen in the battleground states,” top Bloomberg adviser Kevin Sheekey told CNN. “Mike’s substantial investment in Florida, in addition to his contributions to the DNC and to voter protection and restoration efforts this cycle, will mean Democrats and the Biden campaign can invest even more heavily in other key states like Pennsylvania, which will be critical to a Biden victory,”

Voting in Florida begins on September 24th.

The NBC News/Marist College poll released last week shows the race between Biden and Trump in a statistical dead heat and Trump receiving 50% Latinx support in the state. Asked if the focus of his effort will be Latino voters, Bloomberg’s adviser said: “We’ll talk to every constituency important to winning FL, Latino voters clearly a focus. Will be a mix of direct spending, gifts to Democratic super Pacs, and FL political efforts already underway.”

The nonpartisan election handicapper Cook Political report now labels the race in Florida as a ‘Toss up’, a shift from a week ago when the race was seen as ‘lean Democratic’ by Cook.

There’s a “need to inject real capital in that state quickly,” Sheekey said.

Florida is a must win state for Donald Trump if he is to win re-election. If Biden wins Florida and successfully retains all the states Hillary Clinton won in 2016 with just one other swing state; Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona or North Carolina then he will be our next president.

That represents just one of Joe Biden’s many paths to the White House.

Image: Mark Ralston/Getty