Boehner calls Chuck Todd a “shit” for asking if he will ever run for office again.

Boehner calls Chuck Todd a "shit" for asking if he will ever run for office again.

Former House Speaker John Boehner roasted Chuck Todd on Sunday for asking if he would consider running for office again in the future.

“Would you ever run for office again?” Todd asked Boehner towards the end of their interview on Meet the Press Sunday.

“I would rather set myself on fire than to run for office again,” Boehner responded.

“You know the only reason I asked that question is because I expected an answer just like that, anyway,” Todd admitted.

An amused Boehner responded, “You’re a shit. You’re a shit.”

Boehner has been making appearances in the media to promote his new book, On the House: A Washington Memoir.

In the book, Boehner reflects on his career, and wrestles with how the Republican Party has changed and that there might not be a place for him in the new part. He also offers his commentary of a number of Washington power players, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) who he called a “reckless asshole” and “lunatic” former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).