Colorado man arrested for allegedly murdering his wife, is now accused of voting for Trump on her behalf.

Colorado man arrested for allegedly murdering his wife is now accused of voting for Trump on her behalf.

A Colorado man who was arrested this month for allegedly murdering his missing wife is now accused of filing a fraudulent ballot in the November 2020 election in her name because he thought Donald Trump could use the extra vote since others were cheating.

Barry Morphew, 53, was charged with felony forgery and offenses relating to his missing wife’s ballot, according to an arrest warrant filed on Thursday.

He was arrested on May 5,  on suspicion of first-degree murder for his wife’s disappearance over a year ago.

Suzanne Morphew was reported missing on May 10, 2020, by a neighbor who said she never came home from a bike ride. She has yet to be found.

So, when the Chafee County Clerk received her mail-in ballot, she contacted the sheriff.

The ballot did not have the required signature, but Morphew allegedly signed on the witness’ signature line on Oct. 15, according to the affidavit.

He told FBI agents that he submitted his wife’s ballot, “just because I wanted Trump to win. I just thought give him another vote. I figured all these other guys are cheating.”

Morphew allegedly said his wife “was going to vote for Trump anyway,” according to the affidavit. He also told agents that he did not know that it was illegal to fill out a ballot on your spouse’s behalf.

Morphew is currently being held in the Chaffee County Detention Facility without bond in the murder case, according to The Denver Post. Details about what led to his wife’s disappearance, and the arrest affidavit in the case detailing the evidence against him is sealed.