Conspiracy theorist, Kelley Watt, a suburban grandmother of two from Tulsa, Oklahoma spends her time harassing the families of gun violence victims online and is proud of it, according to Insider.
Watt believes that mass shootings are false flag operations orchestrated by the government to take away Americans’ 2nd amendment rights. For the last decade she has been “researching” mass shootings and sending harassing messages to family members of the victims including the families of the 20 children and six adults killed in the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012.
“Prove to the world you’ve lost your son,” she wrote to Leonard Pozner, whose six-year-old son, Noah, died in the massacre.
Watt told Elizabeth Williamson author of the book “Sandy Hook: An American Tragedy and the Battle for Truth,” that she’s “proud” of what she is doing.
“I just had a strong sense that this didn’t happen,” she said. “Too many of those parents just rub me the wrong way.”
Watt has many theories about why the Sandy Hook massacre did not happen. She looked at photos of the shooter’s bedroom and came to the conclusion that it was too barren to have a teenager living in it (the shooter was a 20 year-old). Other bizarre theories include: the parents not crying enough, some parents being “too old to have kids that age,” and no company had been contracted to clean the school.
Watt was presented with evidence identifying the name of the company that was hired to clean the school and a police report, but she moved the goalpost, asking: “Where are the receipts?”
Watt’s extreme theories have led to the dissolution of her marriage and a breakdown in her relationship with her children.
“There’s a great deal of narcissism in this idea that ‘everyone’s got it wrong and we’re in this select group of people that knows.’ It would explode her own persona to allow any doubt to come in,” her daughter Madison said. “Her whole identity has been built on this for so many years. She’s invested so much.”