An effective vaccine for COVID-19 is already here, the United Kingdom have already began putting shots in arms. With this new vaccine on the market, it is also prime time for the anti-vaccination movement.
In recent days, there have been the renewed push of disinformation and resistance from anti-vaxxers who seek to undermine the vaccine roll out by flooding the zone with endless conspiracy theories as the number of deaths from the virus, especially in the United States increase by thousands daily.
90-year-old Margaret Keenan was the first person in the world, outside of a clinical trial to receive the Pfizer COVID vaccine. But, anti-vaxxers are now claiming that she doesn’t exist. One anti-vaxxer claims she actually died in 2008, while another said that the entire scene was staged and Keenan and the nurse were all actors.
While their methods have evolved over time due to the advancement in technology and the rise of social media, their arguments are pretty much the same from the beginning of their movement.
Take the above example. Anti-vaxxers are alleging that Keenan, once again a 90-year-old woman is a part of the ‘illuminati’ —Â a super-secret society which has taken over governments, finance, science, business, and the entertainment industry in hopes of one day achieving world domination.
It is the anti-vaxxers m.o. to declare vaccination as part of a much larger conspiracy theory, much like pastor Guillermo Maldonado did in Florida when he told his congregation that the vaccine was a part of the globalist plan to force people to accept the antichrist or when Diamond and Silk claim Bill Gates is pushing for “population control” with the vaccines, all while railing against the use of mask.
These argument will only get more frequent and more bizarre as the distribution process begins here in the United States next week.