Dominion Voting Systems sues Sidney Powell, seeking $1.3 billion for defamation.

Dominion Voting Systems sue Sidney Powell, seeking $1.3 billion for defamation.

Dominion Voting Systems is suing pro-Trump attorney Sydney Powell for defamation.

The company is seeking $1.3 billion in damages from Powell who is responsible for spreading far-right conspiracy theories claiming Dominion voting machines helped to steal the election from Donald Trump by switching his votes to Joe Biden.


Lawyers are asking the court to award Dominion both compensatory and punitive damages of no less than $651,735,000 each. Dominion is also asking the court to grant “a narrowly tailored permanent injunction” to remove Powell’s false statements about the company and block her from making any further defamatory claims about Dominion.

“Powell’s wild accusations are demonstrably false … The viral disinformation campaign has irreparably damaged Dominion’s reputation,” the filing reads. “Dominion brings this action to set the record straight, to vindicate the company’s rights under civil law, to recover compensatory and punitive damages, to seek a narrowly tailored injunction, and to stand up for itself and its employees.”


The company’s CEO, John Poulos suggests that more lawsuits may be coming for other Trump allies who helped to spread lies that led to staffers receiving death threats, and moving to undisclosed locations.

“Lies were told about government election officials, elections workers, and Dominion Voting Systems. Those lies have consequences,” Poulos said in a statement. “Today is the first step to restore our good name and faith in elections by holding those responsible to account. We intend to pursue justice vigorously to its rightful end.”


In an interview with Axios earlier this week Poulos said Powell “by far in our opinion the most egregious and prolific purveyor of the falsities against Dominion. Her statements have caused real damage. They’re demonstrably false.” 

He did not rule out suing Donald Trump who also spread false conspiracy theories about the company.