A section of Donald Trump’s website was hacked on Monday morning.
According to CNN, visitors to Trump’s website action.donaldjtrump.com was met with a message from Turkish hacktivist group RootAyyildiz.
“Do not be like those who forgot Allah, so Allah made them forget themselves,” the message read. Below was a link to the group’s Facebook and Instagram accounts and a link to a speech from Turkish president Recep Tayyip who quoted from the Quran.
CNN noted that the hack “appears to be a type of hack known as a defacement, in which an attacker gains access to a website and replaces it with their own content. These hacks aren’t sophisticated and don’t involve accessing an organization’s sensitive computer systems.”
The same group also claimed responsibility for defacing then President-elect Joe Biden’s website in late November.
Biden’s website displayed Turkey’s flag, a message in Turkish and a photo of the 34th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Abdul Hamid II.
The hack lasted more than a day.