Florida woman hurling racial slurs at black men doing their job says she absolutely have reasons to be a racist.

Florida woman hurling racial slurs at black men doing their job says she absolutely have reasons to be a racist.

Gina Brashear, a Lee County, Florida woman who was caught on camera over the weekend hurling racial insults at two black men is defending her actions by openly admitting that she is a racist and that she has reasons to be.

Brashear was angry about a truck being parked in the road while Will Osley and Melvin Finley of OF Logistics worked to unload sheet metal from a semi-truck on Saturday.

“Me and him are on the back of the truck. We’re still working. We’re still unloading the sheets of metal onto the pallet,” Finley said. “We start hearing this commotion on the other side of the truck jut getting louder and louder and more intense.”

Their customer recorded the video.

Brashear said the n-word six times in a span of 30 seconds, without so much as batting an eye.

“I’ve been insulted before,” Finley said. “It’s nothing new to me, but this time around it’s a little, I don’t know, it just feels a little different. I have a 7-year-old son, and I dread the day that he would have to go through anything similar to what I have had to go through.”

Brashear would not speak on camera. In a phone interview, she expressed no remorse for her actions and even openly admitted to being a racist.

“It doesn’t matter if I said it 100 times in 30 seconds,” she said. “There’s nothing illegal about saying it.”

Asked if she felt it was ok to use the n-word Brashear said,  “absolutely. Do I have reasons to be racist? Absolutely I do. The one you need to get straight coming from me, I don’t care who’s upset. I don’t care that I’m called a racist.”