Former RNC chairman slams Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Just shut the hell up”

Marjorie Taylor Greene demands GOP lawmaker be expelled for 'intentional betrayal'

Former Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele told Marjorie Taylor Greene(R-Ga.) to “just shut the hell up” as the controversial congresswoman called for a “national divorce” between red and blue states.

“She has no clue what the hell she’s talking about. Why do we listen to this crazy fool? Marjorie Taylor Greene, please just shut the hell up. Do us all a favor. You are an embarrassment to the Republican Party and to the country as a congresswoman,” Steele said in an interview with MSNBC.

“We fought that war. A Republican president lost his life over trying to save the union, and this fool wants to split it? So, here we go. This is the kind of crazy that requires a lot of heavy thinking, because she isn’t,” he added.

Greene called for a “national divorce” in a tweet last month, adding, “we need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government.”

The U.S. fought a civil war in the 1860s after a group of southern states tried to secede to preserve the legal enslavement of Black people. However, Greene said she isn’t advocating for “civil war,” but insisted that is where the country is heading.

“In my life and my world, all of my friends are regular Americans. Everyone I talk to is sick and tired and fed up with being bullied by the left, abused by the left, and disrespected by the left,” Greene told Fox News host Sean Hannity.

“Our ideas, our policies and our ways of life have become so far apart that it’s just coming to that point. And the last thing I ever want to see in America is a civil war. No one wants that – at least everyone I know would never want that – but it’s going that direction and we have to do something about it,” she added.

[Image by Anna Rose Layden/Bloomberg via Getty Images]