Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto back on air after he was in the ICU with COVID.

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto back on air after he was in the ICU with COVID.

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto revealed on his show Monday that he was in the intensive care unit battling COVID-induced pneumonia after contracting the virus a second time.

“I did get COVID again but a far, far more serious strand, what doctors call COVID pneumonia,” Cavuto said. “It landed me in intensive care for quite a while and it really was touch-and-go. Some of you who’ve wanted to put me out of my misery darn near got what you wished for! So, sorry to disappoint you!” 

Cavuto, who is fully vaccinated and boosted, dispel any myths that the vaccination caused his illness.

“The vaccine didn’t cause that. That grassy knoll theory has come up a lot. My very compromised immune system did, he said. 

Cavuto had open-heart surgery in 2016 and received treatment for cancer in the 1980s. He was also diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997.  

“Because I’ve had cancer and right now I have multiple sclerosis, I’m among the vulnerable three percenters or so of the population that cannot sustain the full benefits of a vaccine. In other words, it simply doesn’t last,” Cavuto said. “But let me be clear, doctors say had I not been vaccinated at all, I wouldn’t be here. It provided some defense, but that is still better than no defense.”

Cavuto first tested positive for the virus in October and urged his viewers to get vaccinated.

“For god’s sake, think of the bigger picture here, get outside yourself and think about those you work with, those around you, think about keeping them safe,” he said at the time. “These breakthrough cases are overwhelmingly happening among immunocompromised individuals like myself.”