Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade snaps at sixth grader for saying Biden is doing a better job than Trump on COVID.

Fox News' Brian Kilmeade snaps at sixth grader for saying Biden is doing a better job than Trump on COVID.

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade snapped at a sixth grader during a segment on Fox & Friends Wednesday after the pre-teen said President Biden is doing better job on COVID than Donald Trump.

Kilmeade brought up the Bidens’ visit to a school in Virginia this week, where they heard from kids their thoughts about online learning.

Mason Seder, a sixth-grade student from Philadelphia who is still in remote learning full-time told Fox that his teachers are doing a “great job” but that “it’s not what it could be if you’re in-person.”

After telling California eighth-grader Lilly Rauzon to blame “politicians and unions” for not being in school despite her state having the lowest COVID numbers in the country, Kilmeade returns to Seder, asking him, “what do you miss most about not being in school?”

“I miss, most obviously, seeing my friends and all the after-school activities that I have done. And I think that we’re very, very close getting back to school,” he answered.

“And I think that the way that our new president is handling things is a very good way and we would not have gone to this if it were still the last president,” he added.

“Really?” Kilmeade responded. “That’s hard to believe because the last president was saying I want every kid back in school.”