Fox requires proof of vaccination from employees returning to their offices.

Fox requires proof of vaccination from employees returning to their offices.

Fox Corporation, Fox News’ parent company is requiring proof of vaccination from their employees as they return to the company’s offices.

According to CNN, Fox employees, including those who work at Fox News, received an email from the company’s Human Resources department in early June that said Fox had “developed a secure, voluntary way for employees to self-attest their vaccination status.”

Under this system employees must notify the network about which vaccine they took and when.

This information the email says “will assist the company with space planning and contact tracing,” according to CNN.

Employees who do not report their status are required to complete a daily health screening.

Ryan Grim on The Hill’s morning streaming show first reported the news of Fox implementing their one version of a vaccine passport. Of course, in Fox circles it is not called a vaccine passport but rather “FOX Clear Pass.”

It is blatantly hypocritical coming from the network whose stars spent months blasting efforts to show proof of vaccination status. They claim it is dangerous to personal freedoms and anti-American.

Tucker Carlson has called the idea of vaccine passports the medical equivalent of “Jim Crow” laws and heaped praises on Republican governors across the country, like Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who signed legislation banning vaccine passports.