Joe Biden rips Donald Trump’s coronavirus response: “Our wartime president has surrendered.”

Joe Biden rips Donald Trump's coronavirus response: "Our wartime president has surrendered

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden ripped Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic during a press conference in Wilmington, Delaware on Tuesday. Biden said Trump, who earlier this year declared himself to be a wartime president has surrendered as the death toll from the coronavirus tops 129,000 and continues to increase every day.

“Remember back in March when he called himself a wartime president?” Biden said. “Remember when he exhorted the nation to ‘sacrifice together’ to face an ‘invisible enemy’? What happened? Now it’s almost July, and it seems the wartime president has surrendered — has waved the white flag and left the field of battle.”

Biden’s remarks come as over 30 states have reported an increase in new coronavirus cases and a majority of states are walking back their reopening plans.

Despite this, Donald Trump still refuses to urge every American to wear a mask to reduce the spread of the virus.

During his speech on Tuesday Biden said Americans did not make sacrifices so Trump could “ignore the science and turn responsible steps like wearing a mask into a political statement. You’ve called yourself a ‘cheerleader’ for the nation. We don’t need a cheerleader. We need a president.”