Donald Trump’s younger brother, Robert won his first battle in court on Tuesday in his all-out war to halt the publication of his niece Mary Trump explosive tell-all book: Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created The World’s Most Dangerous Man.
After their first attempt to block the release of the book was dismissed in a Queens Surrogate Court in New York last week, Robert Trump and his attorney filed another motion in New York State supreme court in Dutchess County, Robert Trump’s home turf on June 26.
Excerpt from the Daily Beast:
Their arguments seemed to at least somewhat persuade Judge Hal Greenwald, who ordered Mary Trump and Simon & Schuster to appear before him on July 10—and barred them from disseminating her book.
“Pending the hearing and determination of Petitioner Robert S. Trump’s within motion for a preliminary injunction, Mary L. Trump and Simon & Schuster, Inc., together with their respective members, officers, employees, servants, agents, attorneys, representatives and all other persons acting on behalf of or in concert with either or both of them, are hereby temporarily enjoined and restrained,” the jurist ordered. “From publishing, printing or distributing any book or any portions thereof including but not limited to the book entitled: ‘Too Much and Never Enough, How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,’ in any medium containing descriptions or accounts of Mary L. Trump’s relationship with Robert S. Trump, Donald Trump, or Maryanne Trump Barry.”
In addition to blocking the release of the book, the lawsuit is also looking for potential damages and for a declaration that Mary has breached the confidentiality agreement she signed in 2001, relating to litigation over Fred Trump Snr’s will.
“The trial court’s temporary restraining order is only temporary but it still is a prior restraint on core political speech that flatly violates the First Amendment. We will immediately appeal,” Mary Trump’s attorney told the Daily Beast.
Charles Harder, Robert Trump’s attorney said his client is “very pleased” with the ruling. “We look forward to vigorously litigating this case and will seek the maximum remedies available by law for the enormous damages caused by Mary Trump’s breach of contract and Simon & Schuster’s intentional interference with that contract. Short of corrective action to immediately cease their egregious conduct, we will pursue this case to the very end.”
In case you haven’t done so yet, pre-order Mary Trump’s book here. (Disclaimer: If your purchase the product using this link we get a commission)