Lindsey Graham begs for campaign donations on Fox News: “I am getting killed financially.”

Lindsey Graham begs for campaign donations on Fox News: "I am getting killed financially."

Incumbent Republican senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham was forced to go on Fox News and beg viewers for donations to support his re-election bid.

Graham, who is running neck-and-neck with Democrat Jaime Harrison in the polls said on Fox:

“My opponent will raise $100 million in the state of South Carolina. The most money ever spent in the history of the state on a Senate race in this state was by me in 2014 when I spent $13 million. He raised $6 million from the time Justice Ginsburg passed away, within 72 hours and God bless Justice Ginsburg. We’re celebrating her life. I appreciate waiting ’til Saturday to announce her replacement. But I am being killed financially. This money is because they hate my guts.”

A recent Quinnipiac poll showed Graham and Harrison tied at 48 percent. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Graham will be the face of the Republicans effort to jam through a Supreme Court nominee in a election, even though other recent polling, including a Fox News poll released on Thursday shows that the American people prefer Biden to nominate her replacement.

Things are about to get much worse for Sen. Lindsey Graham, this is just the beginning.