QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green received a standing ovation during Wednesday’s closed door meeting with GOP collegaues .
Two sources in the room told the Hill that Greene told her colleagues that she made a mistake by being curious about “Q”, denied that she knew what Jewish space lasers were and defended her comments that past school shootings were staged by stating that she had personal experience with a school shooting.
She received a standing ovation at the end of her remarks.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has refused to take disciplinary action against Greene who has endorsed violence against Democratic politicians and supported calls for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to be executed for treason. She also spread conspiracy theories about major tragedies including the California wildfires in 2018, Parkland high school shooting among others.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office earlier issued a blistering statement mocking McCarthy for his cowardice. Pelosi said McCarthy’s “failure to lead his party effectively hands the keys over to Greene – an antisemite, QAnon adherent and 9/11 truther.” The statement also replaced the “R” next to his designation with “Q”.
The full House will vote on Thursday on a resolution to strip Greene of her seats on both the House Education and Labour Committee and the House Budget Committee, putting Republicans on record whether they support Green’s place within the party.
While Greene was apologetic in her remarks, she stated that she felt nothing she said would ever be good enough for the media or Democrats, according to one source in the room, the Hill reports.