Marjorie Taylor Greene gets Trump rally crowd to boo Paul Pelosi.

Marjorie Taylor Greene gets Trump rally crowd to boo Paul Pelosi.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) got the crowd at Donald Trump’s rally in Sioux City, Iowa on Thursday to boo House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, who was beaten by a man who broke into their home looking for his wife.

“More Americans are robbed, stabbed, raped, kidnaped, carjacked, and murdered. But only, the only crime victim you hear about from Democrats in the media is Paul Pelosi,” Greene said as the audience booed.

“Paul Pelosi was brutally attacked by a drugged-out illegal alien that should have been deported,” Greene continued. “And Paul Pelosi should have been a gun owner and shot his attacker”.

Paul Pelosi was attacked early Friday morning while he was asleep in his San Francisco by David Depape. Depape hit Pelosi with a hammer, fracturing his skull. Pelosi was released from hospital on Thursday, six days after the attack.

Depape was looking for Speaker Pelosi who was in Washington D.C. at the time. Prosecutors says Depape planned to hold Speaker Pelosi hostage and ask her about the “truth.” If she answered without lies he planned to release her, but if she “lied,” he would “break her kneecaps.”  

This, he says, “would show other members of Congress there were consequences to actions.”