In one of her very rare public appearances on the campaign trail, First Lady Melania Trump, accused Democrats of setting a bad example for children, with a straight face.
Speaking to a group of Trump supporters in Atglen, Pa., on Tuesday, Melania Trump said: “Children watching and learning about politics in our country deserve a better display of political responsibility” than that of Democrats. Again with a straight face.
She also accused Democrats of spreading divisive and confusing rhetoric about vaccines and the pandemic. Again with a straight face.
This coming from Melania Trump, the First Lady whose “Be Best” campaign is suppose to be dedicated to fighting cyber-bullying but yet it does not appear to include her husband who is literally the biggest cyber-bully and the most divisive person on the planet. A bully she echoed today in her remarks in Pennsylvania when she targeted the media, accusing them of bias and negative coverage that relies on “anonymous sources or angry ex-employees.”
Maybe she was alluding to recordings made by her former friend and senior advisor in 2018. Melania was recorded on tape expressing her frustration with being criticised for Trump’s inhumane border separation policy. “What about the children that they were separated?’ Give me a fucking break,” she said on one of the tapes.
For the past four years Trump used his social media accounts to lob personal attacks on his perceived enemies and not once did she speak up.
Now she believes she has the right to determine what is right for our children??, give me a fucking break.