Michael Flynn calls for ‘Martial Law’ and the Military to oversee new election.

Michael Flynn tweeted out a call for Trump to overturn the election by declaring martial law and have the military oversee the new election.

We the People Convention, an Ohio group with Tea Party roots, made the call for martial law in a full-page ad in the right-wing Washington Times and a press release distributed Tuesday, according to Right Wing Watch.


It was amplified by Michael Flynn, who was recently pardoned by Donald Trump and Atlanta-based lawyer for Kyle Rittenhouse, Lin Wood who says he was also asked to join Trump’s legal team to overturn the election results.


The ad cited actions that Abraham Lincoln took during the Civil War as precedent for Trump to act.

“Today, the current threat to our United States by the international and domestic socialist/communist left is much more serious than anything Lincoln or our nation has faced in its history – including the civil war,” the ad reads.


The ad claims that leftist activists and a corrupt media, are out to destroy the United States. They colluded with Big Tech to attempt to stealing the election and that, the group says is an act of “rebellion.”