Michigan GOP leader resigns after saying the election was not stolen.

Michigan GOP leader resigns after saying the election was not stolen.

A Michigan Republican Party leader has resigned after saying the November presidential election was not stolen from Donald Trump and blamed the former president for his loss, according to the Detroit Free Press.

“I resigned my position as executive director and the reasons will remain between me and Chairman Weiser,” Jason Roe said in a statement to the Free Press. “We’ve built an amazing team and I know they will be very successful in 2022. I look forward to helping however I can.” 

Though he did not give a reason for his abrupt departure the Detroit Free Press, reports he has been facing grassroots push back since he told the truth about election.

In November, Roe told POLITICO “the election wasn’t stolen” and that “there is no one to blame but Trump” for his and party’s loss in the election. In May, Michigan GOP precinct delegates delivered a resolution for Roe to be fired.

Debra Ell, a Republican organizer in Michigan who lead the push for the resolution against Roe told the Washington Post at the time, “He said there was no fraud — again, that’s something that doesn’t line up with what we think really happened — and then he said it’s all Donald Trump’s fault.”

She heralded Roe’s departure on Wednesday in a Facebook post writing, “I believe he was fired not resigning. This is just beginning of the RINO Hunt.”

“He was so arrogant to blame the 2020 election ‘loss’ on our Republican president not the Democrats and cited ‘there was no fraud.’ So he’s calling out our president…He basically does not represent us as America First Republicans in Michigan and yes ROE MUST GO!” she added.