Mike Lindell loses it after CNN reporter debunks his election fraud claims: “I’ve spent millions!”

Mike Lindell loses it after CNN reporter debunks his election fraud claims: "I’ve spent millions!"

MyPillow CEO took his evidence of widespread election fraud outside the right wing bubble on Thursday and it did not go so well.

Lindell has been claiming for months to have uncovered evidence that the 2020 election was rigged. In fact, he is so confident in his findings that he is offering a $5 million reward to anyone who can prove that the data he plans to present at his cyber symposium later this month is not valid.

But, Lindell made a complete fool of himself on CNN when he presented reporter Drew Griffin with what he claims to be evidence that Chinese hackers switched votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.

Griffin showed the document to the network’s cyber security experts who said “it doesn’t show any specific actions of any kind, election-related or not, and he said it’s proof of nothing.” 

“Oh, so he said it’s nothing, huh?” Lindell snapped back. “Well he’s wrong, you didn’t hire a cyber expert.”

Griffin pointed out in his report that he showed the documents to nine experts who call it “extremely rudimentary metadata and completely ridiculous.”

“You’re lying!,” Lindell shouted at Griffin later in the interview. “I’m not wrong! I’ve checked it out! I’ve spent millions! You need to trust me!”