Mike Lindell says he was attacked by a man seeking a selfie at his cyber symposium.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell told the crowd at his cyber symposium on Thursday that he was attacked by unknown assailants at his hotel on Wednesday night in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

“I’m attacked — physically attacked last night. Why? Because I’m up here saying ‘Hey, we got a problem?’,” Lindell said. “I’m OK. It hurts a little bit. I just want everyone to know all the evil that’s out there.”

He hinted that ANTIFA was responsible for the attack.

According to a police report the incident occurred around 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday. There are no arrests so far and the investigation is ongoing.

Lindell opened up about the alleged assault on Thursday in an interview with Flashpoint, a conservative talk show published through Rumble. According to Argus Leader, Lindell told the hosts that he was aggressive poked by a man seeking a selfie, in what he thinks was a set up.

Lindell said two men initially approached him asking for a photo, then a third man join their group “out of nowhere,” asking for a photo as well.

“He put his arm around and stuck his finger, it was so much pressure, I just knew if I did anything something more was coming,” Lindell said. “He jammed it in where it was just piercing pain.”

He thinks the entire thing was a set up and if he’d tried to defend himself it would have gone viral on social media.

After the incident Lindell said he took pictures “with everybody” at the conference because he’s “not going to let the devil win.”


The incident took place one day before Lindell’s three day cyber symposium–where he planned to produce evidence that China stole the election–came to an end. But, the conference was a bust as he failed to produce evidence he has been hyping for weeks and even his own ‘cyber expert’ admitted that there is no evidence to support his bizarre claims.