Republicans in Minnesota have introduced legislation to amend the state’s statutes to add ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ (TDS) as a recognized form of mental illness.
TDS is a derogatory term used by Trump supporters to describe anyone who criticizes him or his policies.
The bill, sponsored by Republican State Sens. Eric Lucero, Steve Drazkowski, Justin Eichorn, Glenn Gruenhagen and Nathan Wesenberg, aims to codify this MAGA concept into Minnesota mental health statues making it a clinically recognizable condition for treatment.
It defines TDS as an “acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons” brought on by reactions to Trump’s presidency.
According to the bill, symptoms of TDS include, intense verbal hostility toward Trump, potential acts of aggression against Trump supporters and inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and “psychic pathology” in Trump’s behavior.
The bill was referred to the Health and Human Services committee. It is likely to fail in the Democratic controlled Senate.