North Carolina Lieutenant Governor says straight couples are ‘superior’ to gays.

at St. John’s Metropolitan Community Church

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson claimed in a sermon that straight couples are “superior” to gay couples because they can do something that same-sex couples can’t–have biological children.

According to the Raleigh News & Observer, Robinson compared being gay to “what the cows leave behind” as well as maggots and flies, who he said all serve a purpose in God’s creation, then proceeded to question the “purpose” of being gay.

“If homosexuality is of God, what purpose does it serve? What does it make? What does it create? It creates nothing,” Robinson said during a sermon at a Winston-Salem church.

He said a gay man once asked him if he believes his “heterosexual relationship is superior to my husband and my homosexual relationship?”

Robinson told the congregation that he answered “yes” because if you take a straight couple and a gay couple and put them in separate “dark rooms,” nine months later only the straight couple would grow their family by having a child, and that he says makes them superior “because they can do something [a gay couple] can’t do because that’s the way God created it to be.”

This is not the first time Robinson made disparaging comments about the LGBTQ community. Last month he made transphobic comments from the pulpit much to the delight of the congregation who gave him a standing ovation.

“Ain’t but two genders — male and female. Two. There are two genders, male and female,” Robinson said. “I don’t care how much you cut yourself up, drug yourself up and dress yourself up, you still either one of two things — you either a man or a woman. You might be a cut up, dressed up, drugged up ugly man or woman, but you still a man or a woman, and I don’t care who doesn’t like it.”

The video was distributed on Friday by a pastor at St. John’s Metropolitan Community Church.

Vance Haywood, senior pastor at St. John’s said Robinson’s “theology and religious practices are not only flawed and a perversion of the Christian tenets; he places countless people at risk of violent attacks and even murder every time he opens his mouth,” the Raleigh News & Observer reports.

Robinson is a Republican who is expected to run for governor in 2024. He said his role as a politician is different than when he is preaching in church.

“In America, you have the right to be a homosexual and, as an elected official, I have a duty to protect your constitutional rights, and I will,” he said. “But we in church right now, and we are talking about church stuff, we are talking about God stuff.”