NYC to reopen elementary schools on Dec. 7

NYC elementary schools to be reopen on Dec. 7

New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, announced on Sunday that public elementary schools will reopen to partial in-person learning on Dec. 7, reversing a shutdown on all public schools in the city two weeks ago.

The city plans to allow K-5 and pre-K students-whose parents signed up for the hybrid model– to return to in-person classes because there’s “less concern about the spread” of COVID-19 among younger children, Mayor DeBlasio said.


Special education students will be allowed to attend in-person classes three days later on December 10.

For the time being, middle and high school students must remain all-virtual, as city officials formulate a plan to begin in-person learning.

“We feel confident that we can keep schools safe,” DeBlasio said.

Read more on The Hill.