Oregon nurse placed on leave for dismissing COVID precautions on TikTok.

Oregon nurse who brags about breaking COVID rules placed on leave

An Oregon nurse was placed on administrative leave after she posted a controversial video on TikTok bragging about breaking the CDC’s recommended guidelines to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

In the video, the nurse, wearing scrubs and a stethoscope around her neck, lip-synched to audio from the movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” with a caption that reads: “When my coworkers find out I still travel, don’t wear a mask when I am out and let my kids have playdates.” 


The video came to the attention of her employers at Salem Health after it was shared on social media by people outraged by the nurse’s actions, according to KPTV.

A spokesperson for Salem Health told BuzzFeed News on Sunday that the nurse’s name was Ashley Grames and that she worked in the oncology department.

“Yesterday, a nurse employed with Salem Health posted a video on social media, which displayed a cavalier disregard for the seriousness of this pandemic and her indifference towards physical distancing and masking outside of work,” Salem Health said in a Facebook post. “This video has prompted an outcry from concerned community members. We want to thank those of you who brought this to our attention and assure you that we are taking this very seriously. This individual does not speak for Salem Health and has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.”


Many of the comments on Salem Health’s Facebook page said it was reprehensible for a nurse not be taking basic COVID-19 precautions. Others call for her to be fired for putting patients at risk.