Tony Perkins: “Teaching children about evolution is one cause of mass shootings.”

teaching children about evolution is one cause of mass shootings

Tony Perkins the head of the conservative Family Research Council and ‘former police officer’, blames recent mass shootings on teaching children about evolution and taking God out of the public square.

These religious nuts always run to their bible to try and defend when they feel cornered. They are not willing to accept that ease of access to guns is the only reason we have mass shootings. These same holier than thou ‘pastors’ will shoot Jesus himself he shows up on their property.

According to Perkins, the shooting near Odessa, Texas that left seven dead was “just tragic.”

Perkins went on, “at some point, we have to realize that we as a nation have a problem. “And the problem is not the absence of laws, it’s an absence of morality.”

The absence of morality” had been caused by a “decades-long march through the institutions of America, driving religion and God from the public square.”

Perkins said he was “willing” to talk to liberals about ending the epidemic of mass shootings.

The ‘former police officer’ went on to add, “We’ve taught our kids they come about through chance through primordial slime and then we’re surprised they treat their fellow Americans like dirt!” he exclaimed. “It’s time we talk about the result of the left’s systematic march through our institutions, driving religious expression from the public square.”

According to Perkins. children are not being taught that they are “created in the image of God.”

“We’ve driving religion from our public life and we’re shocked that we no longer have morality and we no longer value human life.”

Well, it looks as if Mr Perkins the former police officer found the root of the problem.

3 thoughts on “Tony Perkins: “Teaching children about evolution is one cause of mass shootings.””

  1. I disagree. We have an absence of proper parenting from birth to teen. First and foremost, we should, non-violently, teach our children:

    1) self-respect
    2) respect for others opinions (we don’t have to agree) and their property

    It might have to be a course in school at this point. Sad but true.

  2. It’s trivially easy to show that Perkins’ hypothesis is the exact opposite of true.

    Countries where MORE people ‘believe’ in evolution have DRASTICALLY lower murder rates.

    It’s closer to the truth to say that denying people accurate education INCREASES the murder rate.

    If he’s 180-degrees wrong on THIS point, one wonders why he’s given any Creedence at all on ANY of his opinions….

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