Peter Navarro claims Biden’s inauguration can be postponed.

Peter Navarro claims Biden's inauguration can be postponed.

Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro flat out lied to Fox News viewers on Saturday night during his appearance on Justice with Judge Jeanine, by claiming that Biden’s inauguration on January 20 can be postponed.


“I would not be surprised to see a special counsel on this. And Vice President Pence, he has the authority to give that 10-day window to do what needs to get done. And I cannot imagine, when he goes through the facts, he won’t vote the right way on that,” Navarro said.

After Jeanine Pirro pointed out that the date, January 20th cannot be changed because its constitutional, Navarro responded:  “Well it can be changed, actually. We can go past that date … we can go past that date if we need to.”

The 20th Amendment of the United States Constitution clearly states that “the terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January.”
