Pilot threatens to intentionally crash plane into a Walmart in Mississippi.

Pilot threatened to intentionally crash plane into a Walmart in Mississippi.

A pilot flying over Tupelo, Mississippi, is threatening to intentionally crash the plane into a Walmart, police said.

The Toledo Police Department said they received a call about the incident around 5:00 a.m. on Saturday morning after the pilot called E911. Police say the airplane may be a King Air type, a two-engine utility aircraft. 

“At this time the situation is ongoing with TPD and all Emergency Services in our area are on alert,” the Tupelo Police Department said.

The Tupelo Police Department has worked with the Walmart and a local Dodge’s, a convenience store, to evacuate the stores and disperse people. Officers have also spoken with the pilot.

In the meantime, they’re asking civilians to avoid the area “until an all clear is given.”