Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C ) claimed in an interview with Fox News hosts Sean Hannity that Brazilian immigrants are arriving at the border wearing designer clothes and carrying Gucci bags while criticizing the Biden administration’s immigration policy.
“Now, what Mayorkas did today, calling off all the raids of worksites, is going to be another incentive for people to come, because the word is out,” Graham told Hannity. “You come, you claim asylum, you never leave. The policy choices of Biden are all over the world now.”
“We had 40,000 Brazilians come through the Yuma Sector alone headed for Connecticut wearing designer clothes and Gucci bags. This is not economic migration anymore. People see an open America. They’re taking advantage of us. And it won’t be long before a terrorist gets in this crowd,” Graham added.
Graham repeated his comments in an interview with The Washington Post on Wednesday, saying that during his recent trip to the Arizona border in Yuma he was struck by seeing people who were “smartly dressed.”
“Usually, when you go to the border, you see people who are dressed really haggardly and who look like they’ve been through hell,” he told The Post. “This time at Yuma, there were dozens that looked like they were checking into a hotel, and smartly dressed.”
“This is something new. I would advise the Biden administration to do what the Obama administration did and fly them back,” Graham said, adding that he thought Connecticut and two other states he could not immediately recall were where these ‘smartly dressed’ designer suit wearing Gucci bag toting immigrants were headed.
“They have had thousands of Brazilians coming through there,” Graham’s spokesperson Kevin Bishop told The Post. “As Senator Graham noted in Yuma, the luggage was nicer than his own.”
Bishop even provided photos of the luggage Graham claims to have seen on his trip. However, The Post wrote that none of the suitcases in the photos sent to them appeared to be Gucci products.