Ted Cruz snaps at debate moderator over abortion question: “Why do you keep asking me that?”

Republican senator Ted Cruz (TX) attacked the moderator at Tuesday’s debate for asking him to clarify his abortion stance after he repeatedly dodged a question on the issue.

Republicans have struggled to find an effective message that resonates with voters on the issue of abortion ever since the United States Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade in 2022.

Texas has one of the strictest abortion bans in the country with no exceptions for rape or incest. Cruz has said he supports the law but has also co-sponsored legislation in the Senate that included exceptions a year before SCOTUS overturned Roe.

Cruz was asked thrice to clarify his stance on the issue during Tuesday’s debate with Democratic opponent Colin Allred. He dodged the question twice then attacked moderator Jason Whitely of WFAA in Dallas on the third attempt, according to a clip highlighted by Mediaite.

Attempt 1

“Well listen, abortion is an issue many Texans and many Americans care deeply about,” Cruz said. “And it’s an issue people of good faith can disagree. People are genuinely and deeply pro-life. People are genuinely and deeply pro-choice. And there are all sorts of positions in between. I agree with the United States Supreme Court that under our Constitution, the way we resolve questions like that, questions on which we have real and genuine disagreements it’s at the ballot box, is voting.”

Attempt 2

“Senator, you do not directly answer the question,” Whitely said. “I wanna ask you again. Do you support or oppose exceptions for rape or for incest? Again, asking as a Texas and a father tonight.”

Cruz responded by bringing up Allred’s record, claiming that the congressman voted to strike down Texas’ parental notification law, parental consent law and “voted to legalize late term abortions including the 8th and 9th month.”

Allred noted in his rebuttal that he supports the protections and restrictions under Roe while knocking Cruz for claiming to be pro-life while supporting the state’s draconian abortion ban that put the lives of women at risk.

Attempt 3

“Senator, I wanna give you 60 seconds,” Whitely said. “I wanna ask you again. Why is this an issue you won’t address, about saying whether you support or oppose exceptions for–”

“Jason, I’m curious, why do you keep asking me that?” Cruz responded before launching into another rant spewing falsehoods about Allred’s voting record.

Cruz is facing a closer-than-expected re-election bid against Allred. Polls have consistently show the incumbent senator leading but by a small margin of less than five points.

At least one poll has shown Allred ahead of Cruz.

“There’s no doubt Texas is a battleground today,” Cruz said on Newsmax’s ‘Wake up America’ earlier this month. “Chuck Schumer has been explicit. I’m his number one target in the country, and the Democrats are spending over $100 million.”