Trump accidentally credits Kamala Harris for creating “one of the best cities in the world!”

Donald Trump accidentally praised Vice-President Kamala Harris on Thursday during a visit to the border.

In an effort to counter the Democratic National Convention, Trump scheduled a photo op at the border in Arizona. While there, the Republican presidential nominee railed against Harris.

Trump claimed Harris made San Francisco unlivable compared to 15 years ago when it was “one of the best cities in the world!”

“To the highest standards of Border Patrol. These guys are fantastic. I’ll tell you, these are courageous people. They’re fighting for the country. They’re fighting against these radical left lunatics that are destroying our country,” Trump said according to a clip shared by Mediaite.

“[Harris] is the leader of the pack. She destroyed San Francisco. Absolutely destroyed it! She destroyed California. You can’t go into California. You can’t go into San Francisco. It’s not livable,” Trump said.

“15 years ago it was the best city in the country! One of the best cities in the world!’ he added.

“Look at what she’s done,” Trump continued. “And now she’s going to be president, and she’s going to do the exact same thing.”

Fifteen years ago was 2009 and Harris was the district attorney for San Francisco at the time. She was the first woman, first African American woman and South Asian American woman in California to hold the office.