Donald Trump claimed on Saturday that a general once praised him for his response to the infamous Access Hollywood tape during a 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton. Trump said the general told him it was the “bravest thing” he has ever seen.
Trump made the bizarre comment at the New York Young Republican Club on Saturday night as he recalled the controversy after the 2005 tape was leaked and he was heard bragging about grabbing women by the “pussy” because of his celebrity status.
He then dismissed it days later on the debate stage as “locker room talk.”
Trump claims his handing of the fallout after boasting about sexually assaulting women waa praised a general who has “been on the battlefield.”
“A general, who’s a fantastic general, actually said to me, ‘Sir, I’ve been on the battlefield,” Trump said. “Men have gone down on my left and on my right. I stood on hills where soldiers were killed. But I believe the bravest thing I’ve ever seen was the night you went on to that stage with Hillary Clinton, after what happened. And then that woman asked you the first question about it.’ And I said, locker room talk! It’s locker talk! What the hell?! Locker room talk!”
At the debate in 2016, Trump offered a non-apology for groping women in response to a question from CNN’s Anderson Cooper who was co-moderating the debate with ABC’s Martha Raddatz.