Trump complains there’s no water coming out of showers: “It goes drip, drip, drip”

Trump complains there’s no water coming out of showers: “It goes drip, drip, drip”

In a rambling press conference on Tuesday, Trump vowed to reverse several of Joe Biden’s energy policies including the ones he claims stops water from coming out of shower.

“When you buy a faucet, no water comes out because they want to preserve– even in areas that have so much water, you don’t know what to do. It’s called rain, comes down from comes down from heaven,” Trump said

“And they want to do no, no water comes out of the shower,” he continued. “It goes drip, drip, drip. So what happens? You’re in the shower ten times as long, you know, no water comes out of the faucet.”

Trump also complained about water pressure in dishwashers and washing machines.

“These are all things they want,” he said. “Very, very little water to go into your dishwasher. Almost none. And you know what people do? They just keep pressing, pressing, pressing. Keep it going. They end up using more water.”

He continued: “Likewise, washing machines they want in your washing machine, you have very little water coming out of the washing machine. So when you wash your clothing, you have to wash it four times instead of once you end up using more water.

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