Trump says he has to assume that Biden will do great in the debates.

Biden campaign trolls Trump with list of '78 accomplishments' on his birthday.

After months of trying to paint Joe Biden as a doddering old man who couldn’t possibly remember, ‘Person, Woman, man, camera, TV’ Donald Trump is now trying to flip script, in his attempt to lower expectations about his performance in the upcoming presidential debates on September 29.

During an interview on ‘Fox & Friends’ Monday morning, Trump admitted that he’s assuming that Biden will do “great” in the debates given Biden’s decades in public service.

“Look, I think he’s a professional. I don’t know if he’s all there but I think he’s a professional… and that he can debate,” Trump said. “I have to assume he’s going to do great — because he’s been there 47 years he’s been in the public service a long time.”

This is what happens when you base your entire campaign on your opponent’s mental abilities. By setting the bar so low, Biden was able to vanquish those attacks by simply being good enough.

Biden delivered one of the best speeches of his political career on the final night of the Democratic National Convention, while Trump’s RNC speech was ‘low energy.’

Also, it doesn’t help that his campaign was accusing Biden of being old and senile when Trump can’t even walk down a ramp.

The Trump campaign spent millions trying to convince Americans that Biden was not up for the job and they failed. That’s millions of dollars wasted that the campaign could use right now in the final stretch since Biden now has $141 million more in the bank than the Trump campaign and is outspending him in key battleground states.

Asked about the Biden campaign’s huge financial edge on his campaign, Trump pointed to the last election where he was also outspent by the Clinton campaign. When asked whether he would spend his own money, Trump said: “I would do that…if we needed money- but we don’t need money.”