Trump to hold a campaign rally in New Hampshire on Saturday.

Trump to hold a campaign rally in New Hampshire on Saturday.

Donald Trump will hold an outdoor campaign rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire this Saturday, according to his campaign.

The rally will take place at Portsmouth International Airport at 8 p.m. And the campaign says  “there will be ample access to hand sanitizer and all attendees will be provided a face mask that they are strongly encouraged to wear.”

This comes after Trump and his campaign hyped his return to the campaign trail last month. They bragged about a potentially massive crowd at his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The campaign was left disappointed as only 6,200 people showed up and at least eight members of their advance team contracted the coronavirus.

Also, former GOP presidential candidate and top Trump campaign surrogate Herman Cain announced he tested positive for the coronavirus, 9 days after Trump’s Tulsa rally.

It should come as no surprise that Trump is traveling to the Granite State. He narrowly lost to Sec. Hillary Clinton in 2016 and pre-COVID, the GOP was eyeing the state as a possible pick up as they look to expand their electoral map. They are hoping that his message highlighting his administration’s efforts to fight the pandemic and restart the economy will resonate with voters there. New Hampshire is one of the few states reporting a decline in coronavirus cases.

While the Trump campaign believes his administration’s response to the pandemic is a win, Democrats in the state see it as another weak spot.

“Trump’s response to the COVID-19 crisis has been chaotic and woefully inadequate, resulting in thousands of Granite Staters contracting the virus and hundreds of lives lost, while causing significant damage to our state’s economy,” New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley said after the rally was announced. “Instead of helping our state safely recover, Trump is flying in for a political rally that will only further highlight the chaos he has caused.”

Image: Getty Images