Wisconsin county sheriff schedules a press conference to present proof of widespread election fraud in the state.

Wisconsin county sheriff schedules a press conference to present proof of widespread election fraud in the state.

A local sheriff in Wisconsin plans to present proof of widespread voter fraud in the November 2020 presidential election during a press conference scheduled for Thursday.

According to the Journal Times, the Racine County Sheriff’s Office announced the press conference on Facebook claiming that Sheriff Christopher Schmaling will “announce proof of state-wide election law violations” that will have “implications throughout Racine County and Wisconsin.”

No further details about Schmaling’s investigation had been released, and like everyone else city officials in Racine will have to wait and see what is presented at this news conference since they had no idea that the sheriff was even conducting this investigation.

Asked about the investigation and press conference, Tara Coolidge the city clerk in charge of elections told the Journal Times, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

President Biden defeated Donald Trump by more than 20,000 votes in Wisconsin in the November presidential election. Biden’s victory has been reaffirmed after several recounts and Republican-ordered audits–one of which is still ongoing– of the election results.

Last week, the report from an audit of the state’s election by the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau did not identify any widespread fraud in the battleground state, according to the Associated Press.

The results of the audit led one Republican state senator to finally admit that the election was “safe and secure.”

“Despite concerns with statewide elections procedures, this audit showed us that the election was largely safe and secure,” Sen. Robert Cowles, who co-chairs the Legislature’s Audit Committee, which assigned the audit bureau to conduct the review said. “It’s my hope that we can now look at election law changes & agency accountability measures in a bipartisan manner based on these nonpartisan recommendations.”