YouTube removes Trump’s recently uploaded videos and temporarily block him from uploading new ones.

YouTube removes Trump's recently uploaded videos and temporarily block him from uploading new ones.

YouTube announced on Tuesday that it has taken down recently uploaded videos from Donald Trump and has temporarily ban new uploads for a week for violating its policies against inciting violence. 

“After careful review, and in light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, we removed new content uploaded to the Donald J. Trump channel and issued a strike for violating our policies for inciting violence,” YouTube said in a statement. “As a result, in accordance with our long-standing strikes system, the channel is now prevented from uploading new videos or livestreams for a minimum of seven days—which may be extended.”


YouTube will also be disabling comments on Donald Trump’s channel “given the ongoing concerns about violence”.

YouTube did not identify the video they say violated their platform’s rules.

This comes after Twitter permanently banned Donald Trump from using their platform due to the risk of further incitement of violence. Facebook also suspended his account until after Joe Biden’s inauguration.