Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West went on an anti-vax rant one day after announcing that he will require hospitalization due to low oxygen and pneumonia after contracting COVID-19.
West wrote that both he and his wife Angela received monoclonal antibody treatments at an emergency room in Dallas on Saturday. He said the results of the treatment “were immediate.”
His wife, who is vaccinated, was allowed to go home while West, who refused to take the vaccine, was hospitalized due to concerns over COVID-related pneumonia and low blood oxygen levels.
“My oxygen saturation levels were initially at 85; they are now between 94-96. My blood pressure is at 120/74 and my recent temperature reading was 98.7,” West said on Sunday.
West seems to not have learned a thing from the entire ordeal. In fact, his experience with the deadly virus strengthened his opposition to getting the vaccine.
“I can attest that, after this experience, I am even more dedicated to fighting against vaccine mandates,” West wrote. “Instead of enriching the pockets of Big Pharma and corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, we should be advocating the monoclonal antibody infusion therapy.”
It’s worth nothing that monoclonal antibody treatments are manufactured by Regeneron, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and other “Big Pharma” companies.
West, who is running in the Republican gubernatorial primary to unseat Republican Gov. Greg Abbott concluded his anti-vax rant by vowing to “vehemently crush anyone forcing vaccine mandates in the Lone Star State” and that includes ” the progressive socialist jackasses who must be saved from themselves.”