Biden tops Trump in final night convention ratings.

Biden tops Trump in final night convention ratings.

The ratings for Joe Biden’s speech at the DNC was much higher compared to Donald Trump’s RNC speech on Thursday and, Biden didn’t have to prostitute the White House or any other national monument to achieve this.

According to Nielson, 14.1 million people tuned in across the three broadcast networks and three major cable news networks to watch Donald Trump deliver his RNC nomination speech on Thursday night. In comparison, Biden’s speech last Thursday at the DNC drew 17.5 million viewers across the major broadcast and cable networks.

Across nine broadcast and cable networks, Biden still beats Trump 24.6 million to 21.6 million.

This did not stop Donald Trump from tweeting; “Great Ratings & Reviews Last Night. Thank you!,” on Friday. This comes after he reportedly called the ratings for the Democratic National Convention “pathethic”.

Even though the DNC far outpaces the RNC on each night in terms of total viewers, the numbers were down significantly from 2016, for both parties. Four years ago, 32.2 million people tuned in to watch Donald Trump’s speech and 29.8 million watched Secretary Hillary Clinton’s.

With the conventions over, we turn our attention to the three presidential debates, the first of which will be on September 29 at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. A record 259 million people tuned in to watch all four debates, including the Vice-Presidential debate in 2016. This year, the VP debate between Sen. Kamala Harris and Mike Pence is scheduled for October 7.

2 thoughts on “Biden tops Trump in final night convention ratings.”

  1. The RNC was nothing more that a worshipping of Trump and a combined repeat of all of his campaign rallies. They were trying to paint a picture of Trump being a focused, hard working, and compassionate leader. The problem is the people know better, and were not fooled by these lies coming from his supporters. Let’s just hope that the momentum continues into November for Biden so that this daily nightmare will be over.

    1. Hey Sean, yeah let’s hope so. I’m also hoping that people won’t be fooled by his latest nonsensical attack about this being Joe Biden’s America.

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