Donald Trump is “livid” at Bill Barr, officials are trying to talk him out of firing him.

Donald Trump is "livid" at Bill Barr, officials are trying to talk him out of firing him.

Donald Trump is reportedly “livid” at Attorney General Bill Barr with one senior administration official telling The Washington Post that Barr could be fired.

This comes after Barr told the Associated Press, “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”


From The Washington Post:

President Trump remained livid at Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday, with one senior administration official indicating there was a chance Barr could be fired — not just for his public comments undercutting Trump’s unfounded claims of election-shifting fraud, but also for steps he did not take on a probe of the FBI’s 2016 investigation into Trump’s campaign.

One senior administration official said there was a chance Trump would fire his attorney general and asserted that the president was not merely frustrated over Barr’s fraud-related assertions. The person said that several people are trying to persuade Trump not to do so.