GOP lawmaker to skip Biden’s State of the Union: Not going to “listen to him lie” 

GOP lawmaker to skip Biden's State of the Union: I'm not going to "listen to him lie" 

Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.) said she will not be attending President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address because she will not “listen to him lie.”

 “Joe Biden’s presidency has been filled with lie after lie, especially lies about the border being secure, inflation being temporary, and the DOJ targeting parents for attending school board meetings,” Miller said in a statement. “I will not be attending Biden’s State of the Union to listen to him lie about the damage he has caused to our country while the left-wing media and members of Congress applaud his lies.”

Miller said she will be giving her ticket to Retired Illinois Air Force Colonel (Ret.) Mark A. Hurley who left the military because of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

“Biden used the COVID vaccine mandate as a political purge to force the best and the brightest out of our military, and Biden has still failed to provide accountability for his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan more than two years ago,” she added.

Miller will likely not be the only Republican to boycott President Biden’s State of the Union address as a form of protest.