Let’s talk about Trump’s weak clap back to Sen. Ben Sasse.

Let's talk about Trump's weak clap back to Sen. Ben Sasse.

Earlier this week, Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse delivered his most forceful condemnation of Donald Trump to date.

He criticised Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, said Trump suck up to dictators and possibly destroyed the Republican party’s image with women and young people. He was speaking to constituents on a phone call that was leaked to the media.

It was a decent drag, but it made me mad. Because Sasse, trying to distance himself from Trump now after four years of being a reliable Republican vote on his policies and nominees, is just Sasse trying to save himself now that Donald Trump is a liability.

But, he laid down the gauntlet and Trump had 24 hours to respond. I was low-key excited because a little Republican in-fighting days before the election will only help Democrats.

Donald Trump finally responded on Saturday and……it wasn’t what I expected.

Senator Little Ben Sasse of the Great State of Nebraska seems to be heading down the same inglorious path as former Senators Liddle’ Bob Corker, whose approval rating in Tennessee went from 55% to 4%, & Jeff “the Flake” Flake, whose approval rating in Arizona went from 56% to practically nothing. Both Senators became totally unelectable, couldn’t come even close to winning their primaries, and decided to drop out of politics and gracefully “RETIRE”. @SenSasse could be next, or perhaps the Republicans should find a more viable candidate.”

He took more than 24 hours to respond and gave us …..this?, recycled insults mixed with a little projection, SAD.

Donald Trump’s clap back game is not as it use to be in 2016 when he was the outsider who turned the political world upside down. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that people are tired and just want to return to civility and not have to deal with an 74-year-old grandpa having a Twitter tantrum every other hour. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that Donald Trump is losing and his attacks have lost their sting. Plus, they don’t make any sense.

Sen. Ben Sasse is about to cruise to re-election this November, the same can’t be said about Donald Trump. Sen. Sasse’s seat is one of the safest Republican seats up for re-election this cycle. That is because his Democratic opponent, Chris Janicek, was disavowed by the party for sending sexually charged messages to a campaign staffer.

So, for Donald Trump to say “the Republicans should find a more viable candidate” than Sasse makes no sense. Also, Trump endorsed the guy last year.

If anything, its the Republican party that should find a more viable candidate. Trump is trailing Biden by double digits and is incapable of stopping the free fall. What’s worst, he seems determine to drag their party down with him.