QAnon influencer who accuses Democrats of being pedophiles is a convicted child molester.

QAnon influencer who accuses Democrats of being pedophiles is a convicted child molester.

A mid-level QAnon influencer who accused top Democrats of being pedophiles is a pedophile himself.

According to Right Wing Watch David Todeschini, 70 runs a channel on Bitchute, an alternative video sharing site like YouTube, called Net4TruthUSA with 21,000 followers which he uses to spread QAnon ideology and calls for violence against top Democrats while accusing them of being pedophiles.

He has called for Democrats to be “taken out at gunpoint,” alleges that children are being trafficked, and claims Hillary Clinton, Bill Barr, and others have been convicted of treason and sentenced to hang, according to Right Wing Watch.  

In a Sept. 9 video he referred to Democrats as “treasonous rat bastards” who needs to be “taken out of Washington D.C,” adding “I say get all the children out and nuke it.” The title of that video accused President Joe Biden of being a ‘Cho-mo’–prison slang for a pedophile.

However, Todeschini, who is known in QAnon circles by his alias, David Trent is a convicted pedophile himself. Todeschini was convicted in 1999 of coercing an 8-year-old boy into sexual acts in 1996, according to the New York sex offender registry.

He was released from prison in 2006 but is still considered to be a level three threat by New York state, meaning he has a “high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety exists.”

QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory that posits that America is run by a cabal of pedophiles and Satan-worshippers who run a global child sex-trafficking operation and that former President Trump is the only person who can stop them.