Rush Limbaugh said Trump’s legal team “promised blockbuster stuff and then nothing happened”

Rush Limbaugh said Trump's legal team "promised blockbuster stuff and then nothing happened"

Rush Limbaugh is not too pleased with the Trump legal team losing streak in the courts.

Limbaugh expressed his disappointment during his radio show on Monday. He said the Trump campaign made huge promises but failed to deliver.

“You call a gigantic press conference like that. One that lasts an hour, and you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells,” Limbaugh said during his show on Monday. “There better be something at that press conference other than what we got…I talked to so many people who were blown away by it, by the very nature of the press conference. They promised blockbuster stuff and then nothing happened, and that’s just, it’s not good.”


He continued: “If you’re gonna do a press conference like that with the promise of blockbusters, then there has to be something more than what that press conference delivered.”

Trump’s legal team alleged in a press conference last week that election officials in key battleground states conspired to commit mass voter fraud to sway the election to President-elect Joe Biden.

Another member of the legal team, Sidney Powell alleged that a voting machine company used technology developed by the late President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, to switch votes from Trump to President-elect Biden.


They were unable to provide any evidence to back up their claim, prompting popular right wing figures like Tucker Carlson to take drastic measures and demand they provide proof that votes were switched.

Powell turned out to be too crazy, even for Donald Trump and so her fellow conspiracy theorists on the team Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis tried to distance themselves from her. On Sunday they released a statement saying she “is not a member of the Trump Legal Team.”

But, that didn’t even make sense to Limbaugh who argued it’s a “tough thing to deny she was never part of it because they introduced her as part of it.”

“She was at that press conference last week,” he said.

This comes on the same day that the campaign racked up their 35th loss in court. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots cast in the state’s election can be counted even if a voter failed to completely fill out the envelope.


This comes two days after Pennsylvania federal Judge Matthew Brann dismissed the campaign’s most high profile case, with prejudice because they failed to produce factual proof to support their claims of widespread voter fraud.