“Vote him out” Donald Trump booed as he visits RBG’s casket.

"Vote him out" Donald Trump booed as he visits RBG's casket.

Donald and Melania Trump were booed and met with chants of “vote him out” when they went to join thousands of mourners paying their respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the Supreme Court on Thursday.

Trump, who very rarely ventures outside his bubble to engage with people who aren’t his supporters was clearly uncomfortable as he fidgeted while the crowd booed loudly and chanted “vote him out” and “honor her wish.”

According to NPR, in the final days before her death, Justice Ginsburg told her granddaughter: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

Trump claimed without a shred of evidence that RBG’s dying wish was fabricated by top Democrats to serve their political purpose.

“I don’t know that she said that or if that was written out by Adam Schiff, and Schumer and Pelosi. It sounds so beautiful, but that sounds like a Schumer deal, or maybe Pelosi or Shifty Schiff,” Trump told Fox News earlier this week.